Swiss Wood Solutions

The revolution only succeeds together

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Wilhelm Geigenbau

Wilhelm Geigenbau has been a partner of Swiss Wood Solutions since 2016. Numerous violins, violas and cellos have been equipped with Sonowood. In March 2018, a workshop was held to evaluate the competitiveness of Sonowood in comparison to tropical woods. Various international violin makers got introduced to Sonowood and manufactured fingerboards from the samples provided. The feedback on processability was uniformly positive. To finish off the one-week workshop on a high note, the Pacific Quartet Vienna held its inaugural concert with their instruments featuring Sonowood. The musicians reacted very positively to the improved sound characteristics of their respective instruments.

The Swiss national TV captured the results of the workshop in a broadcast.

Wilhelm Geigenbau >

  • Violin with fingerboard from Sonowood maple.

    Violin with fingerboard from Sonowood maple.
  • Violin with fingerboard from Sonowood spruce.

    Violin with fingerboard from Sonowood spruce.

Canna Guitars

Under the label Canna Guitars and in cooperation with Norbert Schmid of DRUMPARAM, Jakob Frank manufactures instruments whose body is made of Hempstone, a patented natural fibre material made of hemp fibres and water. On his latest model, he used Sonowood for the fingerboard, bridge and the headstock. The result is an aesthetically and acoustically appealing guitar that is completely free of tropical woods.

  • Canna Guitar von Jakob Frank mit Griffbrett, Steg und Kopfplatte aus Sonowood.

    Canna Guitar by Jakob Frank.
  • Steg aus Sonowood auf der Canna Guitar von Jakob Frank.

    Sonowood bridge.

Canna Guitars > DRUMPARAM >

Berdani Feinste Bestandteile

Berdani offers the finest components for string instruments of all kinds. In the online shop, you find chinrests, tailpieces, pegs and endbuttons for violins, violas and cellos handcrafted from Sonowood with great attention to detail. Bernd and Daniel Hiller from Markneukirchen (Germany) are happy to refine your instrument with Sonowood.

  • Sonowood Formteilset von Berdani

    Sonowood fittings from Berdani.
  • Kinnhalter aus Sonowood Ahorn von Berdani

    Chinrest from Sonowood maple from Berdani.

Berdani Shop >

Soultool Customized Guitars

Egon Rauscher and his company Soultool Costumized Guitars Switzerland have specialized in the construction of electric guitars and basses. Soultool guitars are handmade masterpieces for life. Under the premises of sustainability, quality and highest sound precision, extensive sound checks are carried out in cooperation with Swiss Wood Solutions. The fretboard and the SonicBridge base of the newly released model SonicMuse are made from Sonowood.

  • The new SonicMuse with a fretboard from Sonowood spruce.

    The new SonicMuse with a fretboard from Sonowood spruce.
  • SonicMuse by Soultool Customized Guitars

    SonicMuse by Soultool Customized Guitars.

Soultool Customized Guitars >

Robert Stempfle

Robert Stempfle is a trained woodwind instrument maker and clarinetist. In his specialist workshop for woodwind instruments in Zurich, he carries out all repairs and revisions of woodwind instruments. He has been a development partner of Swiss Wood Solutions since 2015. In January 2019, Robert Stempfle made the first clarinet from Sonowood.

  • Sonowood Klarinette von Robert Stempfle

    The first clarinet built from Sonowood.
  • Sonowood Klarinette von Robert Stempfle

    Pictures by Robert Stempfle woodwind manufactory.

Stempfle woodwind manufactory >